About Us

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
Matthew 18:20 (NIV)
About Divine Nuvem
The vast area of land that we have in Goa is situated at Nuvem in Salecette Taluka about 4 kms, from Margoa city. Margoa is the commercial capital of South Goa and is predominantly inhabited by Catholics. In 1998 Dr. Rui D’cruz and his wife Mrs. Maria Parras D’cruz expressed their wish to Rev. Fr. Augustine Vallooran (Jr.) to donate some land for the purpose of starting a prayer center in Goa in the model of Divine Retreat Center. After necessary negotiations with the then Provincial Superior Rev. Fr. James Chelapurath the land was registered in our name in the year 1998. Rev. Fr. Paul Pambrayil was appointed for the further developments. He stayed in a rented building and built a good house with several rooms in our own land. The house was blessed on 3rd July 2003 by Very Rev. Fr. George Arackal, the then Superior General in the presence of Very Rev. Fr. Varghese Parappuram the then Provincial Superior.